Pingwu County, Sichuan Province, Wild Giant Panda Rubbing Against a Tree

Giant Panda and Forest Conservation

Recently, Shan Shui Conservation Center released a funny video footage of a wild giant panda. A cute giant panda rubbing its back and turning its belly in front of a tree.

The time on footage shown that it is July 2021, the wild giant panda walked straight towards the “chosen” tree. After sniffing it, it started to scratch its neck. After a while, it lay down, stretched its limbs, and turned over, continues to scratch its head and back cozily.

According to reports, Heping Village, Muzuo Tibetan Township, Pingwu County, is located in the Minshan Mountains in the north of Mianyang, Sichuan, 30 kilometers away from Pingwu County. It is the core habitat of the giant panda in the middle of Minshan Mountain. In 2019, Shan Shui Conservation Center officially launched the community protected area project in Heping Village. Through the transformation of community production and lifestyle and ecological protection actions, the human disturbance in the region were reduced, the quality and connectivity of the giant panda habitat was improved, the protection gap in the region is effectively filled, and the goal of the integrity of the Giant Panda National Park is promoted.

(Journalist: Tang Xiaojun from Red Star News Editor: Zhang Li  Video: Shan Shui Conservation Center )