【Exhibition in Beijing】Yarlung Tsangpo, The Last Secret Wilderness – Biodiversity and Culture Exhibition of Medog

Forest Conservation in Yunnan and Southeast Tibet

Medog means “highland where the lotus is located” in Tibetan. The Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon spans approximately 500 kilometers in total, most of which is located within Medog County.

Overlooking Namcha Barwa

The 7000-meter elevation difference has created a rare and complete mountainous vertical ecosystem, spanning from tropical monsoon forests to high-altitude ice zones. This complex and diverse ecosystem hosts unparalleled biodiversity.

The forest of Medog

Supported by the China Green Carbon Foundation(CGCF) and the China International Capital Corporation Charity(CICC) Foundation,  and in collaboration with the Medog Municipal Forestry and Grassland Administration, Peking University Center for Nature and Society, and Xizi River Ecological Conservancy,we have launched the”Medog Biodiversity Survey and Community Conservation Demonstration Project” in the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon region.

Biodiversity survey

Over the past four years, we have installed  more than 200 camera traps in this region, recording 42 species of mammals and 128 species of birds, while also conducting baseline surveys of plants, amphibians and reptiles, insects, and other groups. New species and records are continually being discovered and updated.

Clouded leopard filmed by camera trap

This summer, we aim to bring the mysterious and magnificent nature of Medog to Beijing, allowing citizens to learn about the life stories of  Yarlung Tsangpo. With the support of Beijing Zoo and Kerry Center, we have organized the “Yarlung Tsangpo,The Last Secret Wilderness –  Biodiversity and Culture  Exhibition of Medog.”

Exhibitions at Beijing zoo and Beijing Kerry Center

As you walk along the exhibition route, you will pass by fascinating plants, “encounter” beautiful creatures, and learn about the traditional customs and new lifestyles of the Menba ethnic group. There is only one Medog on Earth, but it encompasses the beauty of the whole world. Are you ready for this unforgettable nature experience?

Beijing Zoo Exhibition

Time: August 3rd – September 7th

Location: Mobile Hall, Science Museum, Beijing Zoo

Beijing Kerry Center Exhibition

Time: July 22nd – August 31st

Location: B1, Beijing Kerry Center Mall