Guilin Esquel Shi Ru Park Biodiversity Restoration


Since 2018, as part of our biodiversity conservation in urban settings, we have been supporting Guilin Esquel Textile Co., Ltd. In its efforts to restore biodiversity in its newly-built “Shi Ru” Park.
In the past year, together with the company’s employees and local volunteers, we have carried out two baseline surveys within the premises of the plant and its surrounding areas, covering aquatic animals, birds and plants. Specifically, 93 species of plants, 9 species of freshwater turtles, 9 species of benthic animals and 25 species of fish have been documented. We also completed a feasibility study report on biodiversity conservation. We have also provided suggestions for considering biodiversity during planning and construction, including biodiversity restoration and water quality improvement for the scenic lake, eco-friendly purification tank design, and the construction of an isle in the lake.