
ICCA China workshop in China’s Key Ecosystem Region
Giant Panda and Forest Conservation
From December 28 to 29, 2021,the ICCA workshop in China's Key Ecosystem Region, co-hosted by ICCA Ch...

COP15 NGO Forum Successfully held in Kunming and the released the results of “100+ Biodiversity Positive Practices and Actions Around the World “
CBD COP15 NGO Forum was held in Kunming during the 27-28th Sep. 2021. Over 400 representatives of go...

100+Biodiversity Positive Practices and Actions Around the World
In order to better carry out the “100+ Biodiversity Positive Practices and Actions Around the World”...

Celebrating 21 Years of Friendship in the Forest
Urban Biodiversity and Citizen Science
Tucked away in a narrow valley framed by the Great Wall of China, the Badaling International Friends...

Jingxi Charitable Protected Area was Launched on Ant Forest Twenty Million People Can Now Participate in Conservation of Beijing’s Biodiversity
Urban Biodiversity and Citizen Science
On October 25, the launching ceremony of Yixin Huatai - Ant Forest Jingxi Charitable Protected Area ...

Shan Shui Participated in Sichuan and Gansu’s Four County Level Six Linkage, Advancing on the Joint Protection of Giant Panda National Park North Min Mountain Area
Giant Panda and Forest Conservation
During October 19-22, 2020, Feng Jie, Huang Jian, and Li Yanzhi from Shan Shui Conservation Center p...

2020 Beijing Nature Watch Festival Held Successfully
Urban Biodiversity and Citizen Science
On September 26, the 2020 Beijing Nature Watch Festival was successfully held in the Olympic Forest ...

Shan Shui Conservation Center | First Quarterly Briefing of 2020 (January-March)
Spring is approaching, we have together gone through one quarter of 2020 while spending a majority o...

Shan Shui Conservation Center | Fourth Quarterly Briefing of 2019 (October-December)
Today is the last day of 2019. We greatly appreciate everyone for your ongoing support for Shan Shui...